Have you ever looked around a nice bar, curiously envying the happy bartenders having a great time while raking in gobs of money? Did you wonder how they learned the skills necessary to pour drinks so quickly, remember all those recipes, and keep their cool all at the same time? How did they get there? Could I learn to do that?
Bartending Training is key to success
Bartending in Indianapolis and Central Indiana can be a tough world to break into. Corner bars with on-the-job training are few and far between. Indianapolis customers are more educated and sophisticated than ever before. They come from all over the world, they know about wine, they enjoy the scene and they have become more demanding.
Central Indiana customers are looking for a bartender who is as knowledgeable, as personable, and as demanding as they are. In this more professional bartending environment-if you're not fast, organized, and efficient you surely won't last very long in an upscale bar.
Not surprisingly, 7 out of 10 bartenders will attend a professional bartending school to facilitate their entry into this lucrative profession. Without the professional bartending training that is all but required by popular bars, clubs and restaurants these days, you won't stand a chance of beating out those who have it.
Professional Bartending Schools of America has created bartending programs to answer the demand for professionally trained bartenders. We provide the bartending education, the speed, the organizational skills as well as customer service and alcohol awareness at our bartending school. Then we will follow up your training with our personalized job placement assistance program that is available to all of our Indianapolis graduates.
Midwest Bartending School
5759 86th StreetIndianapolis, Indiana 46250
Phone: 317-577-2727
Job Placement
Our campus offers local job placement assistance to all of our graduates. Upon graduation, the graduate may report to the job placement office for one-on-one job placement assistance. Our Job Placement Director works very hard to help each student find the job that they are looking for. Our schools have achieved a job placement rate of over 90% over the last five years.
Our campus offers online job placement assistance to all of its graduates. Each graduate is given a username and password to our online job database. This password-protected site may be checked at any time of the day from any computer, at the student's convenience.
Each of our graduates is also eligible to use our nationwide job placement assistance program. We currently have 34 campuses of our own and have contracted with 56 additional campuses to mutually help each other's graduates. With 34 campuses, we are the nation's largest group of independently-owned bartending schools.
Our nationwide job placement program is a great way to see the country while earning a good living.
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Bartending Training
Our 40 hour professional mixology course consists of 10, 4-hour lessons. Each lesson is an independent module that can be taken in any order after the first class and orientation. We now offer day, evening and weekend classes to fit any schedule. In addition, we have the option of tailoring a flexible schedule using any combination of day, evening, weekend or special times to fit any student's situation.
The school recognizes that adults have lives and commitments that may prevent them from attending one of our standard schedules. Regardless of your personal situation, if you want to attend our school and will make the effort to get here, we will work out a schedule for you. If you are in need of a special schedule, we will work one out for you during your personal interview with our enrollment director.