Professional Bartending Schools of America

American - Professional Bartending School

Bartending School in Chicago

The American Professional Bartending School of Chicago first opened in 1951 and is generally known as the "World's Oldest Bartending School". We have created bartending programs to answer the demand for professionally trained bartenders in Greater Chicago. We provide the bartending education, the speed, the organizational skills as well as customer service and alcohol awareness at our bartending school. Then we will follow up your training with our job placement assistance program that is available to all of our Greater Chicago graduates.

Take the time to check out our pages and then TAKE THE NEXT STEP! Request more information on one of our five Chicago bartending school locations or call us today and we will show you how we can help you get started in your new bartending career in the Chicago, Illinois market!

Licensed by the Illinois State Board of Education

American - Professional Bartending School

634 South Wabash
Suite 200
Chicago, Illinois 60605
Phone: (773) BARTEND

Chicago Bartending & Mixology Course

Our instructors average over twenty years of teaching and work experience in the beverage industry and are certified by the State board of Education. Classes are structured much like on the job training and include frequent simulations of real life on the job bar training. While preparing for your new career, you'll enjoy a low pressure, fun-filled environment in which to refine your abilities.

Many of our students go on to work in some of the most respected bars in the country. A large part of their credibility can be attributed to alcohol awareness certification. This certification indicates the ability to serve alcohol responsibly, guaranteeing the safety of your customers... and your employer's liquor license. In many areas, this certificate is required by law. In fact, anyone being issued a liquor license must furnish proof that they have attended this class. We are licensed to issue this certificate by the Illinois Department of Alcohol and Substance Abuse.

Our 40, 48 and 60 hour professional mixology course consists of flexible schedules to fit any student situation. The school recognizes that adults have lives and commitments that may prevent them from attending one of our standard schedules. Regardless of your personal situation, if you want to attend our school and will make the effort to get here, we will work out a schedule for you. If you are in need of a special schedule, we will work one out for you during your personal interview with our enrollment director.


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Chicago Bartending Jobs

Our campus offers local job placement assistance to all of our graduates. Upon graduation, the graduate may report to the job placement office for one-on-one job placement assistance. Our staff works very hard to help each student find the job that they are looking for. Our schools have achieved a job placement rate of over 90% for our graduates.

American-Professional Bartending School of Chicago has placed its graduates at some of the area's best bars and clubs. Because we have been in business since 1951, many current bar owners are managers got started by taking our course.

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Call us now: (773) BARTEND