The Orlando Bartending School offers bartending classes during the day and evenings. After graduation, our graduates receive job placement assistance in the the greater Orlando, Florida area, as well as in over 90 cities nationwide through the Professional Bartending Schools of America nationwide placement program.
Orlando Bartending School
124 Robin Road # 1400Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701
Phone: 407-265-0008
Job Placement
Orlando graduates also have access to our on-line job placement program, which allows them to check current job openings from their home or office. Our students tell us this is one of their main reasons for choosing the Orlando Bartending School over one of the competing schools.
Finding a bartending job is one of the main reasons our students come to our school. By providing our bartending job openings on-line for our students, we can quickly help them find the job of their choice. Be sure to ask us to demonstrate how this program works if you visit our school for an informational school tour.
Enter your location, address or zip code and get directions from there to this school
About Us
The Orlando Bartending School is owned and operated by Michael Perusse. Mike has been training and placing bartenders since 1989. Mike operates two campuses in Boston and Tewksbury, Massachusetts and one in Burlington, Vermont.
Each year, Professional Bartending Schools of America selects a "PBSA School of the Year" in three categories based on quality, service, cleanliness, graduation rate and placement rate:
- PBSA School of the Year
- PBSA Affiliated School of the Year
- PBSA New School of the Year.
Mike has won the prestigous "Affiliated School of the Year" award from Professional Bartending Schools of America six years in a row for his Boston campus. In 2006, Mike received the "PBSA New School of the Year" award for the Orlando, Florida campus.
Mike has received many recommendation letters for his New England campuses including one from Harvard University.